www.whyville.net Feb 7, 2002 Weekly Issue

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Whyville Forum

Guest Writer

Okay, I, shadow111, wrote an article about oldies who are never on.... YOU PEOPLE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND ME!!! I have read articles talking about my article saying I'm badgering oldies!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!! I was talking about the oldies, the really really oldies who haven't been on SINCE 1999 -- they don't even have a face because they haven't visited Whyville in forever. I don't mean all oldies, I mean the non-user oldies. I wouldn't be mean to a Whyvillian, I myself am half-oldie, too!! I would just like to say that I'm talkin' about the oldies who are just two dots and a smile!!!

Okay... thank you....


Times Writer

Hello!!! This is Astro25 again here with a new article. Okay, I have to give props to Vixen68 on her article based on Newbie prejudice on January 24, 2002.

I have been on Whyville since the summer of 2000. When I was a newbie, it was like, "Okay... now what?" The oldbies weren't always as (excuse me for using the term) insensitive. I looked up to four famous Whyvillians that I no longer see today for the existence of myself and other newbies on Whyville. They were: Charity, Britmaria, 11 and Dodge2000. They never mocked any newbie, but helped them. "It was a nice system" -- Vixen68.

Actually, this system is almost never in use anymore, but I have a thought. Perhaps we oldbies also hate newbies because sometimes, they're just people who warn everyone in the room, cuss at us, and mock races and religions just for the fun of it.

Fact is, in my time, oldbies were like mentors... and now, oldbies are like... um... big sumo wrestlers ready to body slam you and get you by gossip and backtalk.

I liked Whyville in the year 2000. People, were nice, no matter what; it was like, 40 people signing on a day. No one complained about seats, we did not sit on each other's heads... but we did have overpriced products... so guys, be nice to the newbies, because Old Oldbies certainly wouldn't like what you're doing to the newbies.


Guest Writer

This is QT8Kiki, and I'm going to bring up the topic: "Oldbies".

Everyone on Whyville was once a "newbie", but not many of us have the title of an "Oldbie". My favourite place on Whyville would come down to either the Playground, the Pool Party and Sportplatz. I'm not sure if I'm the only one that has seen, but I sometimes get... almost jealous of oldbies. They have little cliques that hang-out together, all speaking together in corners, saving spots for each other when the other person has to check their mail or change a face part.

I always am trying to make new friends on Whyville, and I know that not very many of you know me. That's why I try to talk to these "oldbies" and become friends with them. What do I get in reply? "Get away, I need my space" or "Get off, freak." It makes me really mad, and sometimes they act like I'm not even there!!


Guest Writer

Hi all, this is january. I have been reading the Times lately and I see all these articles telling everyone how bad the oldbies are. Now, I'm an oldbie and I see that the people speaking out have a point, but I would like you all to hear my side of it?

Most of us aren't that bad... just a lil' irritated. You see, if we don't have Why-Passes, which a lot of us don't, we can't get in. So, what I did was make another account -- I get in on that account all the time and I can never get in on january anymore sadly.

We also have experienced many times when newbies or others come and sit on us and then don't move. We also see those times where newbies ask us for clams or face parts and we say no, maybe because we used all our clam grams, or we don't have any face parts that we can give away, and then some people freak out and, well, that is an instant where one person wrecked it for you all. The most of us oldbies are quite nice.

There are some of those mean oldbies out there but all of the oldbies I know are nice and will give to newbies (if they can). They also talk to newbies, too. So, if you see me or any of my friends, don't be scared to talk, but just don't go right away begging for clams. If you want a friend, we will be there. I just think EVERYONE needs to be a little bit nicer, and Whyville will be as nice a place as it was when I was a newbie.

Thanks for reading this.


Guest Writer

Hello, citizens, it's KiMmErS here to say it's Black History Month. I love to learn about Martin Luther King Jr. and other famous blacks. I think blacks are cool. So don't EVER judge people by their color or their looks. I hope everyone learns about blacks and has a good time this month. Also, Valentine's Day is coming up, so start thinking about your loved ones.




Guest Writer

Hey, *hottchild* here and I am writing about Whyville Love. People, I know Whyville is your second home, but really, Internet love is different then real world love!

Now, I have my boyfriend in real life and one on Whyville, but (yes, there is a but) they sorta hate each other. Now I was going out with ******* (name not said for safety reasons only) since like my 2nd day on Whyville. No, I wasn't the "hottest" girl around, and he wasn't the "hottest" guy around, but we fell in Internet love. So we talked and shared -- we knew each other, well, as much as I am willing to tell someone, which isn't much! But then we both got more money and we both looked better. Suddenly we both had people asking us out left and right! But we still showed true love for each other.

Now you are probably wondering, what's the point to this article, right? Well, here is the point: My real-life friend told my Whyville boyfriend about **** or *******, my real-life boyfriend. Well, my internet boyfriend, let's call him Fred, got REAL mad at me!

Next, my real-life boyfriend, lets call him Joey, started on Whyville. Now Fred was sure I was cheating on him, but this was not so! Fred and I ended up in a HUMONGO fight and he was cussing at me and saying all sorts of obnoxious and rude things. :(

The moral of my story: don't mix up real-life and Whyville life, or things could get vicious....

This is hottchild, signing off....



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