I hear a voice, I hear a voice
that was once a whisper,
like a humming noise.
It has deepened its breadth
and opened its arms,
It has shown me a light
and beseeched my disarm.
Charming in sound, cryptic in form,
I am stripped of my varnish,
uncloaked, and tenderly torn.
What was left unpolished
with vulnerability exposed,
it harkens this call,
and something new has arose.
Deep shores and sunshine,
you've cast a spell on my heart,
those green eyes I still incline
they hasten its cadence.
At first you solely trilled
till your cousins steadily joined,
and, painting my hymnic colors,
with each pull whims are coined.
I am weary of Casanovas,
their damnation and ruinations,
and though I seek supernovas,
your chorus eases my angst.
I owe you the world, Madinina,
I owe you the world.
You've dismantled my walls
to prove that beauty is unfurled.
And if your chants bear an end,
please forewarn me in song
if it's your shores my fate intends,
or west coast kin to which I wend.