www.whyville.net Jul 19, 2009 Weekly Issue

The Fantastic Two

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Welcome back for another episode of . . . "The Fantastic Two"! This week you join us while we we look at our baby pictures, and find something disturbing. Something very disturbing. Something SO disturbing, young children may not be able to see this picture. Something so disturbing that . . . it's truly not disturbing at all.

We start off our day looking through our scrapbook in Wonder Woman's house.

We found the picture of us as babies being told about 'The Beanstalk'.

We now decided that we want to climb up that beanstalk! Being the bad kids we are, we climbed up that beanstalk that we were told not to in the past. However, once we were up the beanstalk, we had reached a secret hotel called 'The Rice Bowl'.

We listen to the nice lady and go into room 8, but we soon find out that we probably shouldn't have climbed up the beanstalk in the first place . . .

The giant rice bowl soon found out that we weren't like everyone else in 'The Rice Bowl' because we actually were Whyvillians, not rice bowls in disguise. We ran out of the room not knowing what to do, but then we saw several mini rice bowls and the big one looked like he could just teleport to different places.

All that rice . . . so . . . delicious . . . sorry! Ok, so now the evil giant rice bowl and his small .. but tasty mini rice bowls were after us, what were we going to do!?

Wonder Woman had a great idea! Let's call our (not very small) comic guy manager!

Now that the comic guy manager was here to save the day, everything would go smoothly! But wait, aren't we supposed to be saving the day? Oh well.

Whew! Now that the rice bowl is gone forever, we can continue to go on with our daily lives. But just remember kids, when your mom tells you not to go up a beanstalk at a young age, and you somehow get a picture of it and have it in your scrapbook, listen to her!

Stay tuned next week for yet another episode of . . . "The Fantastic Two"!


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