With the new and awesome looking G.I. Joe movie coming out I thought I would write something about the current technologies. There are actually quite a few "super" technologies that are out on the market today. I'll focus on super suits and jet packs. Right now there are several suits out on the market to increase mobility and strength. The suits come in several types some suit will simply assist you by giving you extra strength. There are also several models that will use all robotic strength to allow you to do five hundred 200lb pulldowns without breaking a sweat.
Super Suit
Jet packs are also coming along nicely. There are only a few in production but they are pretty cool. One of the jetpacks has a flight time of over 40 seconds which may not sound like a lot but at over 75 miles per hour you can travel a decent distance. Another company's jetpack uses large fans to give the wearer a flight range of over 30 miles.
With this type of technology already developed you can only imagine what a few more years of tweaking these designs will do.
Can't wait to buy these,
-Justin Daniels
Author's Note: This article was submitted by one of our interns, Justin.
Editor's Note: For more blogs from Dr. Rabiah, visit Science Chicago's website at: http://www.sciencechicagoblog.com