What happened last episode on "The Adventure of a Whyville Mom"?
*cue the music*
Coolmomm and her gang went to find the diamond. A masked villain popped out. Who could it be?
*and cut the music*
The group looked at the masked villain; everyone was in shock. As the masked villain reached toward the diamond, natnat10 popped out.
The masked villain got angry at natnat10 for calling itself a turd. So they got into a massive fight. Trust me, it's too gory to even show you guys.
After that massive fight, natnat10 pinned the villain down.
*intense music*
In slow motion, natnat10 grabbed the mask of the villain.
It was Monet1616!
Well her mother is going to receive a call from Coolmomm, and it will not be pleasant.
Congrats to everyone who guesses Monet1616 correctly! You will receive 200 clams.
Also, keep sending in ideas. And if you would like to be in the next article, y-mail Poppinx3 or bObami.
Poppinx3 and bObami