www.whyville.net Oct 11, 2009 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Making The Grade

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Homework, studying, homework, and studying! That's what everyone is doing this week. Isn't there an easier way to get it done faster? Of course there is!

If you are cramming over Sciences tests, or doing your Math homework all night there is obviously something wrong with your schedule. Take a break! If you're involved in 10 sports, or extra-curricular activities in one week, good for you! But most of the time it interferes with your homework.

If you cannot quit an activity, find some time in Study Hall or Free Period. In most schools, they have these. It allows students to take time out of their day to do some homework, catch up on some studying and sometimes use the library or the Internet for researching. If you have this in your school, take advantage! I have this is my school and I usually sit down and study. I prefer to do my homework at home, but if your schedule is busy, go ahead and do it. Use this time wisely though, don't fool around with friends! Do what you have to do and resume your day.

Pay more attention in class! The teacher lectures for a reason. You are there to learn so learn all you can. The more you pay attention in class, the better off you are when you're at home doing homework. The more you know, the quicker you'll get the answers and finish. If you are sitting next to a friend, or sitting by someone who distracts you, ask the teacher for a new sit privately. This happened to me once, the teacher was kind enough and understood. She moved my sit and it helped! Sometimes I have candy during Math. Math is hard for me, so eating something I love helps me! If you have a favorite candy, have some. Some schools will not allow this but if you really need it hide it in your backpack like me!

Get a tutor! Tutors are people who help you after school with any subject you need. I have a tutor for Math. Every time my tutor explains a lesson, I understand it more and my grades go up! Ask your school if they have tutors. Prices will depend on how many days you use the tutor, and how many hours you spend with him/her.

Purchase an assignment pad. These will allow you to keep track of every test, report and homework. You could find this at ANY office supply store. You can buy a really fancy one, or any old mini notebook! They really help. My assignment pad is a regular decorated mini notebook. I bring it to every class and home every day.

Studying helps you the most. No test or homework assignment is hard if you study and gather information from your notes or textbook. Sometimes I think the tests I take are super hard, but then I realize I didn't study hard enough and the next test I get it! Take your time, and study hard.

Only YOU could change your grades and now is the time!

Stay smart and more importantly . . . keep reading!


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