This month is American Diabetes Month, a time to beat a severe disease. Diabetes is one of the most common disease and this occurs when the body fails to process sugar properly. This year's color for diabetes awareness is blue. I support this cause since my grandmother have died from this and I'm also at risk. This month I will make a commitment to only wear blue on Whyville, for all the men & women who have diabetes and are at risk. You to can also demonstrate your support by wearing blue in Whyville. Just think about the people who are dying every single day due to diabetes. Remember: every 20 seconds, 4,320 people are diagnosed with diabetes.
Three Interesting Facts:
1. Approximately, twenty-four million adults & children in the United States live with diabetes.
2. 1 in 5 Americans are at risk for diabetes. That's 20% of the population.
3. 1 out of every 3 children born today in the U.S. will encounter diabetes in the future.
To show your support, here are several items that are blue:
According to the American Diabetes Association (a non-profit organization), here's how you can become involved:
Share: If a loved one has diabetes, inform them, talk to them and spread the word to stop diabetes; make your voice be heard.
Act: Visit a doctor and make sure that you're not at risk for diabetes or ask your parent if a current or passed family member had diabetes.
Learn: Learn more about diabetes and tips on how to prevent it.
Give: Demonstrate your support by either donating money to the American Diabetes Association or by wearing blue.
I have the blues,
Author's Note: All the information above was from If you chose to wear blue and would like to be in my next article, just y-mail me.
Editor's Note: Thank you Rbd1fan for writing this article and informing all of us on this important topic. Now that we know this information, I'd like for a citizen to do some research and submit an article on what causes diabetes, explain the different types, and give information on how to treat and prevent this disease.