Hey Whyvillians!
It's tiggie10 here. I have just seen the newest why-scam in action! This new scheme is a sick way to make money. The base of it is the Pox! Peeps are making money off of the Why-Pox!
They are doing it by finding peeps who have the pox bad and telling them that they have the cure! When the whypoxian (a person with the pox) asks for it, the scammer says it will cost you clams. The whypoxian naiively asks how much, the scammer thinks up an outrageous price, and the poor poxian has to scrape up the money and fork it over for a cure he's not going to get!
Not only is it sad to be taking advantage of a cruel, merciless disease, but to be getting these whypoxians' hopes up as well...! If you see this happening, you should definitely alert the person and file a report, and probably vaporize the scammer.
An example of what it might look like if someone is being scammed is:
scammer: You know, I have the cure for why pox!
poxed-peep: What is it!!??
scammer: It'll cost yaa.
poxed-peep: ...how much.
scammer: About 200 clams.
poxed-peep: Um, okay I guess, hang on a minute, brb.
scammer: Okay, and once I get it I'll mail you the cure.
poxed-peep: Okay!!
As you can see, this is a cruel dis-service to all Whyvillians. I have seen a scammer doing this and it is a terrible thing. Don't let it happen to you. If you have been scammed, you can mail me for support and help.
Sincerely, tiggie10.