www.whyville.net Dec 13, 2009 Weekly Issue

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I am not in control of anything. My life has completely slipped from my grasp. I am not who I should be. Nothing is the way it should be. From the outside, I seem the same, but in the inside, everything is so different. Why did everything change?

I have no friends outside of school now. My school is responsible for that. The rigorous curriculum takes up all my time. I always have a project, essay, worksheet, skit, picture, reading, quiz, test and every other assignment under the sun. I never have enough time for anything! I go to bed stressed thinking about everything I have to do the next day.

Dark circles form under my eyes. I trudge through everyday. the only thing I can think about is sleep, resting my head on the soft pillow, my whole body covered with silky blankets. Acne pops up all over my face -- stress pimples. I just cannot get them to go away.

My best friend has left me for someone whom I have always hated. She treats me like a complete lowlife. When my best friend and I walked over to them in P.E. yesterday, they completely ignored me. They said to my best friend, "Let's play 2 on 2," and they left me there. I was standing all alone. No one else was there.

I have let other girls capture Andrew, my crush's heart. First Emily, who is now a close friend, and currently Miranda. Speak of the devil, she rubs their relationship in my face. I just have waited too long, and now he is out of reach.

My mother totally controls me. I have to do whatever she wants without complaint or I lose privileges like phone, computer, T.V., camera, and many others. She won't let me be a teenager. She's using everything against me. It is terrible because I do so much homework, and she makes me drop everything or lose a privilege. I make my bed, make dinner, run to the store, anything she doesn't want to do, I am her little pet monkey for it.

My sister runs around ruining everything. She let my bird out of his cage, and now he is gone. He's probably dead since it has been so long. She takes my savings, while my mother thinks she is innocent. She shreds my homework. She just messes up all of my hard work.

I am going to get my life back. I am going to stand up to my mother, sister, and the mean bullies. I will get my crush, someday, somehow. I want a social life of some kind. Take control of your life, don't let others live it for you.


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