Hello Whyvillians! This is Rbd1fan bringing back another article for this holiday season. Christmas is just days away and that means dressing up your avatar with the holiday spirit. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, it's fun to decorate your avatar with holiday adornments. Luckily, Akbar has provided us with a store called Christmas Merry Mart, where everything is holiday related. There are several ways to dress up your avatars: such as Reindeers, elves, gingerbread men or just simply with a scarf and hat. In the following images, they're just ideas to help and guide you for a costume contest during Whyville's Annual Holiday Party.
Let it snow,
Author's Note: I want to thank Cohenlm for participating in my article as a Reindeer. For the next article, I would like your help, if interested just y-mail me and I will gladly respond.