A beautiful moment, where everything is so simple and so clear. A moment in time when you not only know exactly where you are going, but how you will get there and what you are going to do. It's like a path. A path that is straight and you can see the end with totally clarity. It's like trying on glasses for the first time. It's like wiping away the fog on a window. It's like a tall, cool glass of water, filled to the brim. Everything falls into place. You know who you are. Dreams that once seemed impossible become acquirable goals. This is a magical moment.
It's called an epiphany.
Have you ever experienced an epiphany? By definition, an epiphany is "a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience." But it is so much more than that. A dictionary cannot describe it. You have to experience it to know just how perfect it is. It changes your whole perspective.
Even the sound of the word is magical.
Author's Note: Source: www.dictionary.referance.com