I thought that we would spend every moment together,
before I lost you forever
How dreadful it was!
I could not speak,
I could not cry,
I couldn't do anything
without you there . . .
It was like hell for me
While it was heaven when you were here
I cannot believe this horrid experience
Because you're gone
I looked away from you when you told me the truth
I was heartbroken
But that same day you disappeared
I couldn't take it
I wanted to leave, with you
I wanted to go the same day
But I just couldn't bring the knife to my chest
So I decided to do something that I never thought I would do
It was do easy to do it
But it was hell, and it had to go away . . .
But you came back somehow
You came, and you were disappointed in me
You soothed my soul
You were the one to make it go all away
How could I not see that?
But then you left again
Not deliberately this time
And guess what?
I found out I was ill
Terribly ill
And it was all my fault for letting my emotions get the best of me
How could I do such a thing?!
I was so foolish of me
And now I've not only broken my heart . . .
But yours
Never make the same mistake
That I did the day he left
Or you will regret it the rest . . .
the rest of your life