www.whyville.net Feb 7, 2010 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

Heaven Versus Hell: Part 3

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Elody groaned and laid the back of her hand on her forehead. She was aching all over; she strained her neck to the side, peering at all of her bruises and wounds. When she looked down at her hands, however, she discovered that they were bandaged. "That's strange," she mumbled, not remembering bandaging her hands after falling . . .

"Wait!" she whispered, her eyes widening. Elody just recalled what had happened; someone (or something) had pulled her out of that pit before she fell, and her fingers became bloody and bruised after gripping for so long. "It must have been Naomi!" she concluded, rising from her spot on a stretcher. 'Hold on; a stretcher?!' she thought, her eyes widening even more. Just what had happened who knew how many days ago? Perhaps minutes, or hours . . . years. Like she thought before -- it could have been days, too. Which was probably what they were.

"So I see you are awakened from your deep slumber." Elody gasped and whipped around to see a bright figure. She narrowed her eyes, and suddenly the light seemed to dim, revealing a gorgeous man. He had hair that was long for a boy, but was short for a girl. It reached his chin and it was somewhat wavy. His smooth, tan skin was flawless, while all other things about him were perfect. He had long cloaks that were pure white and seemed to radiate with their own light.

All of these things about him were phenomenal; but the one thing that stunned Elody the most were his eyes. They were ice-blue, like chips of snow-filled moonlight. And Elody knew a thing or two about amazing eyes; as she was thinking this, she quickly switched them to violet. To her great surprise, the man didn't even flinch. He simply cracked a smile. "Good, good. You are one of the rainbow."

"Huh?" Elody asked, and gave him a quizzical face. "What are you talking about?"

The man sighed and walked towards her; this made Elody uncomfortable, because she sensed power around him. But he advanced onward, and Elody could only lay in bed because she was so sore. "I have a lot to explain. On your journeys, I would have thought that you have found out some of who you are; but I suppose you have been running from the demons that you could not trust anyone and thus never spoke to another unless it was someone you knew before the incident. I can't blame you."

Elody slowly nodded. Part of what he said was right, but what were demons? Were they the monsters? Elody choked down the question and merely stared at the man, who nodded and continued to speak. "The world is coming close to chaos, my dear. I am sorry to admit it, but it is . . ."

"Hold on a sec!" Elody interrupted. "Who are you?" Her eyes flared with insistence and anger. "I don't even know who I am anymore!"

"I was getting to that," he chuckled. "Hold your horses. But since you really want to know, I will tell you before I get to the important matters."

He paused, and looked at her with his icy eyes, which had now turned a deep, sincere blue. Elody's skin prickled all over, and she stared at him back, though with defiance and misunderstanding. "I am called Gabriel; and I am a messenger of God."

"W-what?!" Elody cried, confusion whirling in her brain. Who was God? Why was he a messenger? How come he chose her to come to? What happened to Naomi? But Elody held her tongue, though she was dying to spurt all of them out at once. Though, she had a feeling he was about to tell her. His eyes were full of understanding, concern, and love.

"I know that you are confused; you must have never heard of it before," Gabriel said. "Well, God is the creator; meaning, he created all of the heavens, the earth -- everything. God also has the power to do everything. He is not limited by time; but he still has emotions and wisdom, you must learn."

"But if he's so great, why does he do all of this bad stuff?! Why does He allow it to happen?" Elody said, her voice cracking with evident puzzlement.

Gabriel held a solemn face, looking at her with serious blue eyes. "Nothing is perfect but for God. Not even angels or followers of God are perfect! Only He is. Wrongdoing is called 'sin' by God, and the penalty for sin is death. But a long time ago, God sent His only Son to die for all of our sins. Only perfect blood could break the spell of sin. Though we still do it, that breaking of the 'spell' took away all of the sins in the past, present, and future; humans could now have the opportunity to follow Him and take away that penalty of death, or an eternity in Hell. They merely had to say with their own mouth, and mean it in their hearts, that Jesus is Lord. Then when you would die, you would be judged by God and questioned in what you do; but if you did make that covenant with Him, you will go to live with Jesus; or live in Heaven. But I tell you; even angels have left God. There was once an angel named Lucifer; around the beginning, he was God's right-hand. But Lucifer envied God and wanted to be greater than Him; so he . . ." Gabriel paused, his eyes looking sorrowful. "Let's just say he left God, and with him went a lot of angels who believed in Lucifer and not God; to this, God was brokenhearted, for he loved all of his creation. But he had to lock Lucifer in Hell, and now Lucifer is commonly called 'the devil', or 'Satan'. And the demons are those angels who left with Lucifer."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Elody cried. "What in the world? I'm confused. So, Jesus . . . huh? Why not 'God is Lord'? What are you talking about?"

"God is made of three parts; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When he gave his only son for mankind, whom he loved, it would be like casting off one third of your body for a race that you love, even though they have done terrible wrong to you and don't deserve it. Understand?"


"Either way, currently the barrier between Heaven, Hell, and Earth is tearing. It's like a tissue that sets time, life, and death apart; if that tissue is torn, it will be chaos. And tearing is exactly what is happening! That is why there are 'monsters' chasing all of the angels and soon humans, too. Those monsters belong in Hell; yet they have been coming out!"

Elody's heart sunk. What he said made a little bit of sense, but a majority of it was too mind-boggling. "I-if they're chasing only angels right now, why were they after me?"

Gabriel sat up and rolled his shoulders, as if they were stiff from him being in the same spot for so long. His eyes drifted to cerulean blue as he said these words. "That's because you are an angel, Elody."


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