Do you have a binder, planner or regular notebook? Is it plain, boring or just not doing enough for you? Well if you have answered yes, you better read this! I'm about to teach you how to decorate your books, binders, and planners.
What you will need:
- Colored paper or construction paper
- Scissors
- Tape
- Book, Binder, Planner, or Folder
- Old Magazines, pictures, etc.
- Pencil
Lay out all your materials in an organized row, keep a garbage near you so you don't create a mess, like so.
Once you have all supplies and materials together, you can begin.
The first thing you want to do, is put your colored paper underneath the book and trace the outline so it matches. Then you can cut it out and put it on the front.
When you're finished make sure it fits. Adjust and prepare.
Now tape it down, tape down into the back so you cannot see the tape strips.
Now you can begin to cut from old magazines, posters, pictures, etc.
Organize it neatly and make it as you wish.
Organize and scatter on the page and then once finished, tape or glue it down.
I'm going to finish this one, but this is what the finish product may look like!
All things you love right on it! (The word next to the polar bear and under "movies" is "Summer" not "ummer!)
Hope you enjoyed. You'll have the best looking supply around.
Happy cutting,