Humans are competitive.
All animals are. It's an instinct hardwired into our brains. We have to compete to survive. We compete for food, mates, and living space. It's all a big competition. To survive, we must compete.
However, for humans, it usually isn't a struggle to survive. But the instinct is still there. So how do we appease our competitive nature? Why, through sports, schoolwork, and games. There are many outlets for our need to compete.
And in many ways, competition is a good thing. Often it is what drives to do well in school, sports, and the work place. The drive to win causes us to take our time and do a good job on projects. Sports and games thrive on the spirit of competition.
On the other hand, competition can be bad. Have you ever met someone who had to win? Who had to be the best, no matter what? They will go to any and all lengths to be on top. It becomes an obsession. They drive friends away because they can't stand it when their friends are better than them at something. Some people even go to extreme rates to be the best, to be admired, to be the skinniest, prettiest, smartest, or quickest.
So this brings up the timeless question: Is it good to be competitive?