You've done it again. My eyes are glued to you. I've traveled far into your land beauty. And nothing can pull me out.
The aroma of your water dances in my nose. Your breeze pulls me in to a hug. Your sweet sand tickles my toes. And I am lost. I cannot not escape from your world.
Your waves twirl around and push shells on to the shore. Your silver waves roll like thunder and sparkle like lightning. I'm in a world of your colors.
The same silver water splashes on to my ankles and slowly drips down. Soon, another wave is formed before my eyes. The next wave kisses my skin.
You are forever beautiful. I am like a ship that sank in your water. I struggle too find a way out. You tightly pull me closer.
The way the sun reflects off you and creates a rainbow makes my eyes light up. And the way you are a star in the moonlight brings a smile to my face.
Your colors are amazing. All the little details add up and create a beautiful painting. All your energy makes my eyes sparkle.
You are too amazing, Ocean. Never let me go.