Red is pretty and sophisticated, she is a role model. She coats the lips of models and is in the latest fashions.
Orange is funny and energetic, he likes to dance around. He flashes his bright colors on safety jackets and cheese.
Yellow is cheerful and happy, and can't stand it when her friends are upset. She is in the sun, and on pretty little daffodils.
Green, well, he is the different one. He is a nature guy, and colors grass, tree leaves, and the wings of beetles.
Blue is silent but kind, he hangs in the sky surrounded by popcorn clouds and swims in the ocean with fish.
Indigo is unique and beautiful, she is in the sunset before it sets, she is in the blue flicker of a flame, she is in the darkest depths of the ocean, the Northern Lights, and outer space.
Violet, dark and mysterious. She does as she pleases, is the pigment of delicate purple flowers, the feathers on the bellies of hummingbirds.