www.whyville.net Feb 27, 2011 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Losing Votes

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Lately, votes in the Poll Booth seem to be dropping. Why is that? How can we fix that? When did this happen?

Well, technically it is impossible for me to give you the exact date, but the Poll Booth was once a happy chat room, and a place for "business".

Why is it happening? Who knows? Is voting "boring" now-a-days? Great polls are now skimmed over quickly, and reach an end with a total of 4 votes! You need a total of 150 votes for any poll for it to be considered. Now, not all of them that reach that point will be accepted, but in any case, it sure will help it get close!

I used to see polls with a total of up to 140 votes, halfway down the list. Now, all I see is 50's and less, even at the very top. What happened?

So many new rooms were created, and everyone forgot about the old one? New rooms aren't a bad thing, in fact, it's great! But what happens to the forgotten rooms? Will they be shut down? Will they simply disappear without a second thought? This article is not to advertise certain polls, it is for the sake of the Poll Booth.

So, please, go! Read a few, vote for a few, have a helping hand in what happens next in Whyville. Whyville users, friends, people, voice your thoughts.

Remember, every vote counts!


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