I am, as usual, stuck in the waiting room. I just read "The Waiting Room
People" and I'm still looking for the two girls so I can give them a few
clams, LoLz! Anyways, yesterday, I was sitting in the Waiting Room thinking,
"I wonder if I have y-mail." So, I logged in and what do I see? GREEN GRASS!
This is ChinaDawl, reporting on the sudden change of seasons. I have to say,
I was so sick at seeing white everywhere! The only place that
wasn't totally covered by snow was the Pool Party. While everyone in my part of the world was playing outside under the sun, Whyville was still
under all the snow. Personally, I'm so happy to see color in our little
community again. Everything is going great!
This isn't the story for every Whyvillian though. Those who live in the
Southern Hemisphere are going through winter. I guess they can
always log into Whyville to escape from the cold and the snow. Yes, I think
it's totally cool that people all around the world are in our
community, but it's so very confusing! The seasons thing is very confusing --
and some people were talking about having day and night in Whyville! But that
is impossible, because not everyone lives in North America! I know people
from England, Australia, everywhere!
Okay, I'm getting away from the point. I interviewed some people about the
change of seasons and got some interesting answers. Check it out!
First I interviewed oreogrl:
Me: What do you think of the sudden change in seasons?
oreogrl: Good! It doesn't make much of a difference, you just have to get used to it.
Me: In your opinion, is this better or was the winter scene better?
oreogrl: The summer is better, I think its better because... i dunno, I just think it looks better!
Me: Do you have any other comments you have about the change in seasons?
oreogrl: Nope!
Me: Okey dokey, thanx! =)
oreogrl: No problem!
Next I interviewed mine:
Me: What do you think of the sudden change in seasons?
mine: Well, I think the changes are GREAT because there's no more snow!
Me: In your opinion, is this better or was the winter scene better?
mine: Well, the spring is way better because there's no more falling snow in the Sportplatz.
Me: Do you have any other comments you have about the change in seasons?
mine: Well, I hope it stays this way for a long time or I also think we
should maybe have rain and have it rain some days!
Me: Thanx!
mine: Oh yeah, and if it doesn't rain, the ground should be brown and when it does rain, there should be green grass!
Me: An awesome idea, thanx!
Next was Shalee:
Me: What do you think of the sudden change in seasons?
Shalee: Too long of winter! It took too long for them to make it spring!
Isn't this supposed to be a tropical island?
Me: LoL, I have no idea! In your opinion, is this better or was the winter scene better?
Shalee: I like the grass WAY more! The winter is depressing for me and I wear short sleeves and it doesn't fit!
Me: Do you have any other comments you have about the change in seasons?
Shalee: Umm... a lot of people wear tanks or tees in the winter and it
doesn't fit! Whyville should be a tropical place!
Me: Thanx. =)
Shalee: Anytime!
All the people I interviewed all thought that the spring scene was much
better. I asked the people in the auditorium and they all thought the same
thing. Maybe it's because they got used to the snow and didn't like it
any more or maybe they truly like the grass better! All in all, everyone is
very happy about the change!
It's time to throw out all those bulky jackets and sweaters and wear those
tanks and tees! I'm psyched to wear all the new clothes I bought for
spring! I have to split, I think I'm going to go shopping for more spring
clothes! Bye all!
Peace out!