Each minute was passing and you were getting cold
I couldn't help but put aside the fact that you were old
Somehow, your timing was my fault because you were my own
My Evonna
I waited and I waited but you never came around
I thought, surely, we could get past this thing that brought you down
In case you didn't know I haven't forgotten your posture as proud
So proud
You laid there, and I guess you were waiting to be saved
Oh, how I wish I could have saved your life, but I was dazed
Sometimes I wish I could go back and changed all of the ways
I loved you
A minute of movement and then you went back down
You stayed there for a while, a while safe and sound
I couldn't help but think that you were too lost to be found
Just too lost . . .
I saw you taking your last breaths and tears filled up my eyes
I almost couldn't see your fur, your beautiful faint smile
I knew your life was miraculous because you left me kind
Very kind
I watched you breathing, I knew you were leaving
I couldn't understand
I wiped my tears with the back of my hand
I watched you take your very special last breath
Very special . . .
You looked up at me one last time
I held you in my hands, despised this timeless crime
I hated myself because you were all mine
My Evonna