As my first article in the Whyville Times, I would like to introduce myself as Kristen. I am going to interview two very nice City Workers about rares.
Krissai: How do you feel about the majority of "rares" flipping around everywhere, do you ever claim any?
Cakeltame: To be completely honest, none of us CWs care about rares or actually even have any idea which face parts ARE "rares".
Lopan: I like rares, they make for some interesting trading post transactions. Wouldn't be fair for me to claim any.
Krissai: Are you all in for the stocked items, do you buy them often?
Cakeltame: I bought a few face parts when I made the account, made a look I liked and that is it. When I need face parts for some of my test accounts I either get free ones from Grandma, or buy the cheap bargain basement parts. Sometimes I need to buy parts as a component of a test I'm running, but I definitely do not spend time in Akbar's checking out new stock items.
Lopan: I buy parts when I see something interesting that will make my face more awesome!
Krissai: Have you EVER asked somebody to restock a face-part for you?
Cakeltame: Once, because a part for one of my test accounts expired on me. Then I found out the part creator hadn't logged in to their account in over 4 months, so I went in and stocked the part myself.
Lopan: Yep, I asked the user that made all those cute astrological sign parts to restock so I could have them all!
Krissai: Do you feel scion decals aren't being created much?
Cakeltame: They aren't really that popular, although there are some cool ones out there!
Lopan: There aren't that many scions out there so, I don't expect there to be a big demand for them.
Krissai: If you had to have ONE face part in the whole entire world of Whyville and what it would look like, what would it be?
Cakeltame: Umm . . . Ninja Turtles.
Lopan: It's a secret!
Krissai: Have you designed a face-part/ scion decal of your own?
Cakeltame: On test accounts, but more as part of functionality testing.
Lopan: Face part yes, scion decal, nope.
Krissai: Last question, do you like the idea of the face mall?
Cakeltame: Yeah. I think it is one of Whyville's most unique features!
Lopan: Yep, how else would you buy and sell parts?
So those are the City Workers' answers on the so called face parts called rares. I look forward to seeing some ninja turtles in stock in Akbar's face mall, and some surprise guesses for Lopan's secret face part!