Hey there, Whyville. This is DeadSnaii finally bringing back the old series of mine! As a great way to start back up interviewing for me, I have decided to interview different Times Writers. Enjoy!
DeadSnaii: Who or what gave you the inspiration to start writing for the Times?
sims2girl: It was something I'd always been interested, since the day I started Whyville on my account gomegome6. I started writing seriously with my series "Fallen" which was inspired by another three-or-so part story I saw in the Times. I wanted to do that, and it just snowballed.
xoxkitkat: I'd say my sophomore English teach really got me into writing for the Times. He really gave me the confidence to go out and take a chance with my writing.
DeadSnaii: How long have you been writing for the Times/outside of Whyville?
Xion2: Well, outside of Whvyille I've been writing about 9 years. I've been writing for the Times about 6 months.
sims2girl: I've been writing for the times for close to six years. In real life, I wrote my first story of note in second grade and I've never really stopped.
DeadSnaii: Do you ever think that someday you could have a career in writing such as journalism, an author, script-writer, etc.?
alygirl02: I don't really think so. I like reading, but I don't really write that much. I get writer's block too easily.
Xion2: I actually think that no matter what I end up doing, I will spend whatever time I have off researching history, and writing history novels. (*cricket chirp* . . . I know . . .)
DeadSnaii: What is your best solution for beating the dreaded writer's block?
alygirl02: Mine is to read a good book, or listen to good music.
xoxkitkat: When I have trouble with writer's block, I try to look for inspiration in my friends and family.
DeadSnaii: What advice to you have to those who are thinking about writing, but aren't quite sure how to start?
Xion2: What's the worst that can happen? 10 people you don't even know don't like it? Trust me, the experience is worth all the criticism (which actually helps) and all the work. I also would say to start safe, staying to things you feel comfortable with, establishing yourself, before really branching out.
alygirl02: Read and roleplay. That's what I do.
sims2girl: Don't submit anything that's less than your best. Make sure that you review your article before you send it in, because the TE is amazing, but she can't catch everything. And don't be afraid of the criticism. Certainly don't let it stop you. Also, no matter how hard, no matter where you are, write EVERY SINGLE DAY. No joke. It can be a paragraph or a poem, a sentence to a short story . . . just do it.
xoxkitkat: I'd say start with a topic that you're passionate about and expound upon it!
Great answers, guys. I hope you've learned something today that you haven't known about these writers! Also, for you new writers out there, listen to the advice they have to give; it's very useful when you do!