by Vanilla |
and hockEdude |
Times Reporter & Guest Writer |
We've heard the stories countless times of flower, stupid, and princess3.
It is getting old for some people, and some people just want more and more
of the juicy details. Everyone in Whyville knows about these people for
having bad reputations. Let me tell you a little something, it's their own
fault. We can't help that there are rude and obnoxious people in the world.
It's just a fact of life. You are going to meet people that aren't going
to be the brightest crayon in the box, or that aren't as sweet as a sundae,
but we have to learn to deal with it, or put an end to it.
Whyville is a place where people can chat with friends and meet new people.
Unfortunately, the case is that people are being harassed, abused, and,
the major bummer, being warned for no reason at all. I have been a victim
of all of these circumstances, and so have many other people. I don't want
Whyville to become a place where people are afraid to go into
because someone is going to say something that makes them feel bad about
themselves or uncomfortable. I'm working with my little bro, hockEdude, and
we are going to basically interview ourselves on the matter, as well as
other Whyvillians on what they think.
Vanilla: hockEdude, what have you witnessed here at Whyville since you
joined in January?
hockEdude: Well, I have been harassed by princess3 when she sent me a Y-Note
calling me obscene names and used profanity and other words that I'm not
allowed to say.
V: What grade are you in?
h: The fourth grade. I don't think that kids my age should be exposed to
language like that.
V: I totally agree. What do you think should be done about this?
h: Well, I think that many people need to just think about what they are
doing to other people and realize how mean it is. I think that warning
should be stopped, I think that my neighbor, princess3, should be stopped,
and I think that there should be a monitor that recognizes bad words, even
if they are spaced out.
V: That is a great idea, hockEdude. Thank you for your interview.
Now, hockEdude interviewed me on my experience with Whyville violence
hockEdude: What particular things have you witnessed that were violent acts?
Vanilla: Well, I was abused when Stupid was vocally abusing me sexually,
princess3 sent me letters telling me that she knew who I was and that she
>as going to attack me, and I have been warned several times for no reason.
h: I see, and seeing how princess3 is your neighbor, how do you feel about
V: Well, I think it is very immature of her and I also am ashamed to say
that I actually know her. Pearberry is her sister, and she is so sweet and
kind; I don't know why none of that has rubbed off on princess3.
h: As for your confrontation with Stupid, what did you do about that incident?
V: Well, I sent the notes that they he sent me to City Hall, and they
notified him that he was being a jerk and told him to stop. It worked, too!
h: In conclusion, my fellow Whyvillians, if some one harasses you by
Y-Notes, just sent it to City Hall and he'll get things cleared up!
Next, we interviewed a few people, and asked them all the same question:
What have you been exposed to at Whyville, or what violence have you
Well, princess3 is my sister, and I was shocked when I found out
that she had snuck into my name, stole my password, and typed rude comments
about Vanilla on my name. I think she needs to stop and get a life!
Well, I had an encounter with Stupid where he was harassing me.
Even though I am quite new, I figured out how to silence, and now I can't
hear a word he says!
Luckily, I have never been warned, but I have witnessed it happen
to a lot of other people. People, like flower, warn people for no good
I witnessed flower asking amanda, Vanilla, PokeFan, and I for
passwords. We couldn't shake her off, so we just told her false passwords
like "sheep" and "cow".
I was harassed, well, inappropriately by mail by princess3,
sorta like Vanilla's incident with Stupid. I didn't do anything about it
because I was afraid to. I'm telling you know, though, it was stupid of me
not to and I regret it!
Hopefully, after hearing the minds of the people of Whyville, you will come
to rebel against the "evil sources" of this web site. Please enjoy Whvyille
and don't let anyone push you around! Have a great day!
Yours truly,
Vanilla & hockEdude
Note from City Hall: You guys took the words right out of my mouth. Use your silence and mail block tools to protect yourself. And don't forget to spread the alert on the BBS so that we all know who the troublemakers are!