Whyville has many famous designers: Shugalump, LilPcdoll, Abradical, UoChan, Miramagic, Ducky464, SalsaDoll, etc! After thinking for a long time about what articles I'd like to write, I decided to make a series called "Behind the Design". This series basically interviews many famous designers about specifics details behind the design they made, and learning more about the design's background.
This week, I decided to interview UoChan, a famous designer who has been around Whyville since 2006. I talked to her about a set she made: Hee Larry. If you don't know what this set is, I shall explain. This set consists of 3 parts: hat, shirt, and plushie. The Hee Larry set is a bunny set with golden colored fur.
Hopeluvs: When did you make the Hee Larry set?
UoChan: In 2006, it was one of my first sets.
Hopeluvs: How long did the Hee Larry set take to make?
UoChan: I think around the duration of 1 to 2 days maybe. I was still a bit inexperienced back then.
Hopeluvs: What inspired you to make that set?
UoChan: Bunny suits were really popular back then, and I thought I'd make one myself. For that set, I wasn't inspired by a particular designer, but by a person who made a bunny suit. I forgot the designer, haha!
Hopeluvs: What did you think about the design's results?
UoChan: It turned out better than I thought it would.
Hopeluvs: Who was your role model designer?
UoChan: I actually didn't have a role model whose designs I modeled after.
Hopeluvs: Final question. What is your advice for beginning designers?
UoChan: Never start with hair. Always start with a shirt or a bow.
Overall, Hee Larry was inspired by a designer who made a bunny suit. It was made in 2006. It took 1-2 days to make it, with STUNNING RESULTS!
Author's Note: Thank you UoChan for taking the time to be interviewed. Also, thank you to all those who supported me in my writing.