www.whyville.net May 2, 2002 Weekly Issue

We All Need to Be Ready

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We All Need to Be Ready
Citizens discuss what they've learned.

Guest Writer

Ok. There's been a lot of controversy on SkUmBaG68's article in the March 21st issue of the Times. I wrote an article to the times saying I didn't agree with the Times Editor publishing that article. But, as me and my good friend Giggler01 were talking, she mentioned something that made A LOT of sense.

She said: "I think it's a good thing they put that article in the times." And now, I completely understand it.

Don't worry, Whyville. The Times Editor DID NOT publish that article to scare Whyville. He published it so we know how a person like SkUmBaG68 thinks, which believe me, is a smart thing for us to know. We need to know how criminals think -- in Whyville and out. It's important. We have to be aware of all the possibilities that could happen on even such a friendly site like Whyville. And let me tell you all, we got a taste of those kinds of people with SkUmBaG68.

The reason I wrote this article today is because anyone can be hacked or simply cheated by ignorant, rude, careless people, and we all need to be ready for something like it to happen.

So anyway, I g2g now, but please, people, take this article seriously.



Guest Writer

Sigh. I am here trying to get on Whyville. I have been here for like 10 minutes trying to get on. Anyway, I just thought of an idea for the newspaper. My idea is going to be like an individual, but more detailed. Do you really want to know what my idea is? Fine, I will tell you!

My idea is about the articles. I have heard lots of complaining, arguing about plots, and lots of other stuff that should be in petitions, not in articles. Me, I always write because I enjoy writing to the Times Editor, even though I don't know who he is, LoL!

Well, anyway, I was just reading the newspaper, and i have heard a TON of complaining about SkUmBaG68's article, The Perfect Krime! I am sorry to say it, Times Editor, but I have to admit that I do agree with the people who feel that you shouldn't let such a cruel person write such a bad article. Well, it was pretty well written but that doesn't matter to me, all that matters to me is what he wrote! He did a cruel thing and taught people how to hack!!! People shouldn't do that to other people, and he encouraged it!! I don't care what you say, I still agree with the people who don't think SkUmBag68 should have been published!

Thanx for listening. This was Lilstar55, signing off (trying to get on Whyville without a Why-pass!) LoL!!!


Guest Writer

Whyville without a Skumbag?

After SkUmBaG68's article came out, numerous articles were put in the Times, dissing him/her. But really, this dude -- or dudette? -- had guts, and a few people realized that, but most didn't.

Hacking is wrong, and people who do it should be punished. On the other hand, for a person to come out and admit doing such a thing, he or she should be proud.

Have you noticed what SkUmBaG did to our town? It gave us all something to talk about, argue about and consider. If we banned every hacker that existed in Whyville, our town would be so perfect, and quiet. No action, no blaming, just... perfect. We need people like SkUmBaG to keep us going. Maybe I'm crazy, but without these trouble-makers Whyville would be a bore. For people that like to get other people in trouble, there would be no trouble 'cause all the bad peoples aren't there! No scams, no crime, no hacking, no nothing. You see, crime has always been in Whyville, and it always should be... it's sort of essential.


City Hall
City Worker

I think one thing is clear from reading all of these articles -- whether he meant to or not, SkUmBaG68 really raised Whyville's awareness of password stealing! We at City Hall have gotten many many more 911 reports on would-be password thieves since his article came out. Hundreds of accounts have been saved because citizens are now thinking about not only their own safety but also the safety of others. We have certainly come together as a town!

As for Dumblonde's suggestion that crime is an essential part of Whyville... well, I have to admit I'm a bit of an idealist. I really do hope that someday we'll look at our fair city and not see a single password-stealer for miles and miles of cyberspace. Sure, that day may never come, but the City Workers and I will always strive towards it. Keeping you folks safe and learning and having fun, that's why we're here. That's why we work for this crazy place we call Whyville. :-)

City Hall



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