Emotions, like hidden treasure
Are being found, buried deep
Confessions, close to my heart
Make their way out of me
You hold some kind of key
That opens up my darkest place
You hold me tight while I tell
Of the terrible memories
When I am done telling my story
You look into my eyes
I feel like you know more about me
Than I do myself, because I'm still exploring
An understanding that runs deep
Drifting through our blood
Holds us together in some unbreakable bond
Even before I knew your name
You knew how to make me laugh
A glittering in your eyes tells me
You'll never take that back
So where does our story begin?
And what will be our end?
I long for a happy ending
Though fairy tales don't exists
I can dream all I want
Because when I'm with you
I believe that anything can happen