Our latest Itty Bitty contest was a great success! Thanks to those who participated. It was lots of fun, and the results are in. Our winners are the first, second, and third person to get all of the answers correct, and will each receive a cash prize.
In 1st place: Vancyon
In 2nd place: PAlNTlNG
In 3rd place: LoveAtWar
1. WASA Outside
2. Getty Museum Inside
3. Mimi's Dance Studio
4. Geek Speak Lounge
5. Airfield
6. Reef Inside
7. Spin Lab Inside
8. Dr. Leila's, Inside
9. City Hall Outside
10. Dr. Leila's from Whyville Square
11. Welcome Lounge
12. Bankinter Outside
13. Taxicab
14. Food Court
15. House of Illusions Outside
16. Whyville West
Thanks to all those who participated, and be sure to congratulate the winners! Below is one bonus image. If you know the location of this image, Y-mail me. The first person to identify it correctly will win a cash prize.
Take care,