www.whyville.net Mar 11, 2012 Weekly Issue

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I like to think of my mind like a single pane of glass, it has some dirty spots on it because some thing are unclear to me. During most of the day mind stays close to me. Mind is attached to a rope and I'm on the other end holding it. Around us is a rotating white fog that is reality. It's hard to see through reality and reality scares mind, so mind stays close to me. Sometimes while reality spins rapidly around us it spits bits of dirt at us and mind can become dirtier, and more unclear. But at night reality grows tired and it retreats into the infinite blackness that always surrounds us. This is when mind grows more confident, and I can see it better, so I allow it to wander off farther into the darkness. Most of the time it does that all night then returns in the morning as reality creeps back towards us.

But sometimes a new character comes into the act. It's a red moist mist, bad things. Most of the time it's bad thoughts, but things can affect it too. I don't usually see bad things, because it's shy and usually spends its time in the inky blackness. But sometimes it strikes, day or night, mainly night because that's when mind is most vulnerable. It varies it's attacks, sometimes swift, sometimes stealthly. It can sneak up on mind and engulf it, when mind notices it tries to escape, and if it does there are usually traces of bad things left on it. At times, when mind runs back to me with it's tail between its legs, it goes too fast, and can't stop, so it cuts me. I bleed for a while. Bad things are only fed by more bad things, and as it is fed it gets stronger, and more confident, and less shy. To the point where it attacks along with reality, and I'm cut again. Often both of them return suddenly in the night and I'm jarred back into the circle of reality, with bad thoughts lurking behind.

I can't stop it.

Night isn't all bad though, sometimes while mind is out playing in the darkness it cleans itself and things become more clear on mind. But not always, sometimes it just gets dirtier.


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