www.whyville.net Mar 11, 2012 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

What's New in Whyville

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There are lot's of change going on in Whyville, from fashion to disease (one of my favorite subjects).

Style Section

Let's start with the people of Whyville. I have been observing South Beach and other popular destinations for months, rarely talking, but just watching and listening. At first, the most popular hair color for girls was platinum blonde, and for boys it was a dark brown to a dirty blonde. Now, it seems the hair has some diversity. Some girls (like me) hung onto the platinum blonde, because it's sure to come back in style sometime. Others reached for the new popular hair color, brown. For some it's a soft brown, others it's almost black, but not quite. For boys, the vast majority of hair color is a dirty blonde to a soft brown. For girls, the classic look is big hair, little face. If you want to stay in style, make sure you have eyes with big eyelashes, a small nose and small lips. The tip is to layer hair to make it bigger. For boys, wear a lot of hair, a hat, and also keep small face parts.

Tags are fun, but use them sparingly. If you really have no clue how fashion goes, don't worry, you can always become a cat. I'm sure you've seen them. If you are a cat, wear a small hat like you would if you were a person. I have seen people doing this recently. As well as shirts, just wear a nice top, you won't have much room for shirts anyway.

Now for speech. There really isn't much to say, since the most popular Whyville expressions are '.' and '<_<' or '>_>'. Another popular one is 'O.e' or 'O.o'. If you do want to carry out a conversation, whisper. It's the most popular option, and it's why people don't have much to say.

On to behavior. Behave nicely by sitting at the bottom of the screen, bottom corners are great, and if someone is annoying you throw a '<_<' or '>_>' at them. If someone is talking to you and you don't have an answer, answer in a whisper or simply respond '.' Mute, or almost mute, is a good behavior technique. The most popular technique is polite, meaning you carry out your conversations in a whisper.

News Section

The sirens should be going off, because we have a possibility of an epidemic. I wrote an article a couple of weeks ago informing you all about a disease outbreak, but that outbreak has threatened to become an epidemic. It is all about Virus 41, and possibly a new virus, Virus 44. In the last thirty days of its existence, Virus 41 has been going sky-high, now well over 1,000 people infected, and it's not dropping. About 1,000 people have been cured, (and I hope I have helped cure some of those people) but 1,680 people are still infected. The only thing I can tell you is to stay out of chat, or if you do go in chat every time someone coughs cover and wash right away!

Better yet, go to the Pharmacy and get vaccinated, or if you are showing symptoms, go to the Pharmacy and get medicine. You have to protect yourself and other people of Whyville. I have some more bad news, there's a possible virus strain from Virus 41 that turned into Virus 44. Virus 44 was created March 9th, and on that day, at least eleven people were infected, and zero were cured. Virus 44 is making steady progress. Virus 44 has the symptom of confusion. If someone is talking funny, get out of the chat room. I can't stress that enough.

Take care,


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