www.whyville.net May 20, 2012 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Stereotypes in Whyville

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Howdy everyone, xXibemeXo here once again. Today, I am going to be talking about a problem I keep noticing in Whyville. I'm going to be talking about chatroom stereotypes!

50% of the time I go into a chatroom, I notice people saying things like, "This is the newb chatroom, let's not chill here, dude." or "No one talks in this chatroom! They are all snobs! Pfft . . . Totally not rad. Let's go to South Beach and chill with our home giggidy dogs!!" Okay, okay, maybe I exaggerated with my language choice a tad but you guys get the point. Every chatroom seems to have a label on it, weather is be the 'newb' room, the 'emo' room or the 'snob' room. Basically, I found it weird how a lot of people truly believe these stereotypes, so, I decided to interview some people and get their opinion of the matter.

xXibemeXo: Do you see chatroom related stereotypes in Whyville?

Antier: Stereotypes? A stereotype is "A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing." So . . . this in relation to chatrooms and Whyville? A typical example would be the usual Oldbies being mean to Newbies.
Banjomann: Yes'm.
Dogz9909: Yes, yes I do.

xXibemeXo: South Beach, Woods and Sunroof are the most popular chatrooms. Do you think each chatroom has its own stereotype? If yes, why?

Antier: South Beach is full of bleach-blonde bubbly bubblegumer bimbos and chatspeak fancy-necklace-wearing spiked-hair dudes who dropped out of high school. They prance about merrily ignorant in their jersey-shore ways, their chatting degraded to such an extent that you might think a monkey had just peed on their keyboard and they were trying to smack him off with a tennis racket.
Sunroof is full of people who have developed a serious voice-box problem. Nobody's able to talk anymore, and the only form of communication that's still available is whispering. Somebody get a doctor over there, stat.
Woods is full of me. Therefore Woods is an amazing, beautiful, perfect place that is enlightened by the general intelligence which inhabits it. The exquisite prose that graces those gentle trunks is second to none.
Banjomann: Beach South = annoying people
Woods = the emo kiddies who don't say nothin'
Sun Roof = Stuck up brats who have more clams than they know to do with 'em
Dogz9909: South beach: Newbies. Sunroof: Stuck up Oldbies. Woods: Emos?

xXibemeXo: Do you think these stereotypes are true or false?

Antier: Stereotypes are always at least a little bit true, otherwise they don't last. But the wildly held stereotype about Wood is absolutely, definitely true. No hint of falsity in that.
Banjomann: True.
Dogz9909: Well, I think it's both. South Beach is filled with newer guests. Sunroof is filled with mostly Oldbies. I've never heard a stereotype about Woods though, other than "emos" hmm . . .

xXibemeXo: How do you think these stereotypes started?

Antier: By the truth and existence of the people, be them brainless sunbathers or diseased throat-ers or gorgeous intellects. We can only observe what has been placed before us, and partake of it as though we partake of creepy shrimp that have not been de-eyed.
Banjomann: By the Sun Roofers not letting anyone talk to em.
Dogz9909: One bad egg. One person always has to ruin the bunch. But as I stated earlier, some of them might be true. I am not one to judge, but they may be true.

Well thank you to Antier, Banjomann and Dogz9909 for participating in my interview!

I found the results very interesting! I was surprised at some of the answers too! If you want to discuss your opinion of if you have heard any stereotypes not mentioned, feel free to leave a comment in the BBS!

Signing off,


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