A bookshelf holds;
Stories waiting to be told,
Adventures waiting to unfold,
Stories and adventures that will stay there until the day the books are sold.
Beneath each of those books' pages, words swarm;
Waiting for a reader's heart to warm.
A single soul wrote those words and gave them form.
A single soul which slaved away until its hands and mind had worn.
Despite low wages
That author wrote hundreds of pages
All throughout their lives' stages,
Trapped in the world of writings' cages.
There was an author out there who gave each book a soul.
Added ink and made it whole.
Writing those books was the person's lifelong goal.
Years of patience, effort and an expensive toll.
Books on shelves were created by all kinds,
A bookshelf houses a million minds.
Those books were created for that one reader who finds . . .
Which one will you discover?