www.whyville.net Nov 25, 2012 Weekly Issue

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Last Words

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Hello Whyvillians! You have heard about lots of good and famous people, their life stories, and achievements. But some famous people are remembered even more by their last yet famous words. These words make them greater and sometimes some people say such words which are very very precious by themselves. Here in this article I present last words of 30 famous people. These include Jesus Christ, Napoleon Bonaparte and Julius Caesar as well.

"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit."
From Luke 23:46, Jesus Christ

"Josephine . . ."
Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor, May 5, 1821

"Et tu, Brute?"
Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman Emperor, d. 44 BC

In reply to her husband who had asked how she felt., Elizabeth Barrett Browning, writer, d. June 28, 1861

"Get my swan costume ready."
Anna Pavlova, ballerina, d. 1931

"Lord help my poor soul."
Edgar Allan Poe, writer, d. October 7, 1849

"I love you Sarah. For all eternity, I love you."
Spoken to his wife, James Polk

"I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring."
Richard Feynman, physicist, d. 1988

"Why do you weep. Did you think I was immortal?"
Louis XIV, King of France, d. 1715

"I am a Queen, but I have not the power to move my arms."
Louise, Queen of Prussia, d. 1820

"Too late for fruit, too soon for flowers."
Walter De La Mare, writer, d. 1956

"Curtain! Fast music! Light! Ready for the last finale! Great! The show looks good, the show looks good!"
Florenz Ziegfeld, showman, d. July 22, 1932

"Let us cross over the river and sit in the shade of the trees."
Killed in error by his own troops at the battle of Chancellorsville during the US Civil War. General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, d. 1863

"Sister, you're trying to keep me alive as an old curiosity, but I'm done, I'm finished, I'm going to die."
Spoken to his nurse.George Bernard Shaw, playwright, d. November 2, 1950

"I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have."
Leonardo da Vinci, artist, d. 1519

"I die hard but am not afraid to go."
George Washington, US President, d. December 14, 1799

"Moose . . . Indian . . ."
Henry David Thoreau, writer, d. May 6, 1862

"I've had eighteen straight whiskies, I think that's the record . . ."
Dylan Thomas, poet, d. 1953

"God bless . . . God damn."
James Thurber, humorist, d. 1961

"I am curious to see what happens in the next world to one who dies unshriven."
Giving his reasons for refusing to see a priest as he lay dying. Pietro Perugino, Italian painter, d. 1523

"I'm bored with it all."
Before slipping into a coma. He died 9 days later. Winston Churchill, statesman, d. January 24, 1965

"This time it will be a long one."
Georges Clemenceau, French premier, d. 1929

"I have tried so hard to do the right."
Grover Cleveland, US President, d. 1908

"That was the best ice-cream soda I ever tasted."
Lou Costello, comedian, d. March 3, 1959

"Goodnight my darlings, I'll see you tomorrow."
Noel Coward, writer, d. 1973

"Damn it . . . Don't you dare ask God to help me."
To her housekeeper, who had begun to pray aloud. Joan Crawford

"KHAQQ calling Itasca. We must be on you, but cannot see you. Gas is running low."
Last radio communication before her disappearance. Amelia Earhart, d. 1937

"Please know that I am quite aware of the hazards. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others."
Last letter to her husband before her last flight.

"I must go in, the fog is rising."
Emily Dickinson, poet, d. 1886

"Do you hear the rain? Do you hear the rain?"
Minutes before her plane crashed. ~~ Jessica Dubroff, seven-year-old pilot, d. 1996

Author's Note: Source: http://www.corisnet.com/


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