This world is such a deathly place,
People wandering just to find where they truly belong.
Looking for dreams,
And those dreams they do chase;
But to follow through with that endeavour,
You must be strong.
You fight your inner demons,
Those who tell you that you can't--
If you let it break you,
Forever will it leave a negative implant.
Open your eyes,
Bring in the light.
Kill all the demons you wholeheartedly despise.
Come take my hand, I don't bite;
I'll bring you into my heart tonight.
I'll shield you from all the monsters,
All the killers, all the terror . . .
I do this, because
I know you are a burden bearer.
You hold the negativity, the hate . . .
But I'll help you turn over a clean slate.
Join with me, tonight we'll share;
One big heart that will never tear.