They say the hardest part is forgiving the one who has wronged you.
They say the challenge comes from seeing them happy
Seeing them without you, seeing them not need you, no matter what they made you go through
They say the hardest part is moving on from things of the past
They say it's difficult to stay in the present, to let go of everything
All the special moments, all the memories, the haunting thoughts that act like enemies
They say the hardest part is is giving up on the anger
They say there's internal conflict as you fight yourself profusely
You feel weak for letting go, you feel stupid for being happy again, you feel as if you let them win
They say the hardest part is opening yourself up again
They say you'll be scared and afraid that someone else will break your heart
You'll remind yourself they're a different person, a different situation, you'll let yourself fall for the infatuation
But they don't tell you how it feels for it to happen again
They don't tell you how the scars feel to be ripped apart
Deep, bleeding wounds right in your heart
They don't tell you how it feels when you're broken beyond belief
They don't tell you how it feels to drown in eternal grief
But I will