Farther and farther I fall
Slowly and painfully I sink
Down to the bottom I go
Where all hearts are ashes
That's what happens to them
To all the broken hearts
They were broken once too many
And now all there's left is ashes
The breathing becomes difficult
All I breathe is ashes
I'm choking on all the grief
But my heart . . .
It still beats
Slowly, yes, but surely
Painfully, yes, but I'm alive
All I saw was gray
The color of ashes
But I'm still alive
I see that there's a light
A way out of this abyss
The abyss of grief I've sunken into
Closer, I get - almost in reach
Dragging me upward
The warmth and the glow
It brings me back
But my heart . . .
I can feel it inside me
I finally know love.