The concerned visage you hand me with my demise
Your hidden satisfaction from my words remains in disguise
A sure fact known by me, that my downfall would bring you glee
Why I still remain with you all?
A question I ponder incessantly
Keep your enemies close, a belief you hold true
Proven by the endless bragging and bickering among the "close" crew
This never-ending lying game has taken its toll
What is real friendship? A question I do not know
A teetering seesaw we all surely are
Our individual mistakes keeping us at par
A fruitless hope it would be to become swings
With it comes the pushing, the encouraging
It has been said a group of leaders do not bode too well
An unfortunate occurrence that it explains our group in fine detail
This proven by the myriad arguments, usurpation
A chance to be leader just this once, a driving temptation
Why this peculiar friendship has never met its climatic end?
The silent whispers to my competitive genes, a sure trend
Loss of this weak connection would bring my contest on its own to fend
What a sickening act it would be, to deny my love and leave it at the bend
With this competition comes the confidence, the prowess
Is it so awful to remain in the dark that brings me immense brightness?