*click* noemie *online*
Hey Whyvillians! It's me noemie! I have something that I would like to make clear. Why do people hack? I mean, it's pointless! Sure, maybe sometimes hackers are successful but doesn't that make you hackers feel bad inside?
For example: a new Whyville citizen joins for the first time. He's so exited to start his journey through Whyville. To become a *true* Whyville citizen. Then, all of a sudden, this guy pops up. He says, "Gimme ur password, im part of city hall. n' i need ur password. so mail it 2 me." The poor guy thinks, it must be important, so I better do it. So, he does it. And the next time he logs on, it will say, "Sorry, that's the wrong password." What a surprise!
The message (for hackers): go and earn your own clams and stop picking on others! Heck, I'm in grade 4. That's right, 4. I'm only 10 years old and my salary is 24! I have another account with 20 as a salary! So, get out there and earn your own. Start with the simple games like the skater, objects, etc.
Take this advice and become a citizen with a heart. Earn... buy... maybe even donate.
This is noemie.
*click* noemie *offline*