www.whyville.net Jun 20, 2002 Weekly Issue

Both Sides of War

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Both Sides of War

Times Writer

Hey, Smurfette here! I read an article the other week about terrorism. Actually, I've read a few of these articles, and it seems people have different views on this topic, and of course with anything with two sides, I love to debate.

First of all, I see why people want America to fight back against the terrorists. America has been considered a high-powered country, and we don't exactly lose wars or let other countries push us around. I mean, America symbolizes freedom, and by letting these horrible people (and I only mean the people who attacked us) do this to us, I feel like we are giving up that freedom. When other wars were fought, America was proud of its soldiers, but that may not be the case now.

I also see the other side, and where the other people are coming from. People come to America for opportunity, and because it is so different then every other place. We are supposed to be a warm, loving country. A very RESPECTED country. So by acting like those horrible terrorists, we too have become horrible. We do not want to start wars and jeopardize the well-being of our loved ones. Many people join the Army, Marines, Navy etc because they thing it is so cool to say that they were in the Army. Yet, when doing so, they don't think they will actually fight any real big wars. I mean, come on, this is America, we don't have wars anymore. That's what they thought.

A great thing about America is that you have the chance to choose for yourself. So what side are you on? Do you have to choose sides? As for me, I'm not quite sure yet. I personally think I would like America to logically solve this problem without violence. That would make me just as proud as our soldiers fighting for our freedom.

Well, I've used up my last 15 minutes and I have to go to school. So see you next week maybe. :)



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