Ever tried do design something and just couldn't figure it out? I have to admit the blank FFV's can be pretty intimidating at times.
Hello everyone. My name is fibery, and I am writing today to let everyone know about my new designing tutorials! These can be very helpful when designing because usually when you are starting out, you look at a hair and say "Oh my gosh!! How???" These will show you step by step what to do. I have just started, but I plan on recording close to everything I make for a while so people can really see what it's like to design. I have just a few hair tutorials up now, but I plan on making videos on how to find colors, how to make bases, and many more!
Whether you are a new designer or even a regular designer, these can be helpful. I still use other designer's tutorials for help sometimes! They may even give you some cool inspiration for the perfect design! So whenever you get the chance I think you should check them out!
My channel:
Most popular video at the time:
Thanks for reading everyone. I plan on seeing a bunch of new designers in the near future!
Author's Note: Never share personal info online, as it can be very dangerous. I uploaded these on Youtube.com, but there is none of my personal information on my channel (not even my name), making it completely safe.