that girl you see
over there,
you see her?
flaunting her beauty,
all her imperfections,
and she's still smiling.
i want to be her,
smiling and laughing,
flaunting my imperfections.
i want to be her,
confident and self loving,
look again,
that girl over there,
you see her?
her infectious smile,
glowing beauty;
she's not there anymore.
look again,
yes that reflection,
there she is
she was me.
someone who I always pitied,
yet adored.
although i looked down on myself,
others looked up to her, me.
"You're not beautiful,
you're fat,
why are you so stupid?" She said to herself.
"She's so beautiful,
I want her body,
why is she so perfect?" They whispered to others.
her happiness was a mask,
flaunting her flaws,
a mask.
so where did she go?
that girl who is me,
where is she?
she's gone I tell you.