The snowflakes spiral,
And twirl to the ground.
They fall, soft as petals,
Making no sound.
The towns are sleeping,
No sound do they make.
The snow keeps falling.
Nobody awakes.
That's what we picture,
At this time of year;
There's snow on the ground
And lots of good cheer.
But the thing is,
Not all that is true.
The snow, when it falls,
Turns our toes blue.
And then when it falls,
The colour does change.
From white, to yellow.
From yellow to grey.
And nobody hears
Any good cheer;
Christmas is gone.
Here comes the New Year.
So this is the truth.
It's our reality.
That winter is never,
What we want it to be.
But let's make the most,
Of this season - behold!
It has many secrets.
And stories untold.