www.whyville.net Jul 11, 2002 Weekly Issue


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I saw BabyPowdr's article on Canada Day in the July 27th issue of the Times. Wow, Canada is sure a BIG country... it's huge!! I live in Saskatchewan and I feel proud of Canada. It's a peace-loving country with TONS of room!

Well, I'm here to talk about two things about Canada. I think BabyPowdr got one thing wrong in her article: she said all this stuff I never knew about Canada, even though I've lived here my whole life, but from what I understand, Nunavit actually became a territory/province (whatever you wanna call it) in 1998. I can remember our Social Studies teacher making us do a project on Canada in which we talked about each province and talked about the one that was soon to come (Nunavit).

Well I'm off... What's that? Oh yeah, the other thing I was gonna talk about! Canadian children study the United States of America in school and we learn not a lot about them, but enough. I've found, if you ask someone from the States if they've ever heard of Saskatchewan, the answer is usually, "No, where's that?" I think it would be more fitting if American children learned more about Canada, because we live right above you America's nice but there are like a bagazillion other countries in the world! Don't forget to learn a little bit about as many countries as you can, it might come in handy some day!

Anyways, it's late. This is me, signing off. Buh bye!
Oh, and Canada, We stand on guard for thee!



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