This was my first commission ever. It was from september of last year. I was so excited to finally start making money from my art, i grossly underpriced it. This was acrylic on canvas (a big one . . .) and do you know how much I charged for it? $65.00.Big mistake. I can't quite remember if I have submitted this yet or not. I skimmed through my submissions, but didn't see it. Forgive me if this is a reupload? I don't know what to call it.
This is one of my favorite paintings I have done so far. I really wish I had it for myself, but oh well. I love the contrast between the light sun set and boat, against the darker sand, mountains, and darker area in the sky. I like the difference between the smooth gradients I got with the brush, and then the more textured look with the palette knife. The boat could be a little cleaner around the edges, but I don't think I have any real regrets about what I did on this painting. (The picture was taken at an angle. The water is actually straight across but looks crooked.)