Hey Whyvillians,
Well, I was goin' around Akbar's, you know, gettin' ready to do a bit of shopping.
I decided I wanted to go to "No Store", see what I could find. So, I click
the little drop down menu and *gasp* "No Store" isn't there anymore!!!
I was wondering, why did Whyville get rid of "No Store"? It was a great
place to shop and now it's gone! And those aren't the ONLY changes I've
noticed in Akbar's. For instance, Akbar's Hall of Fame, most of the face parts
have been taken out! What is up with that?
Well, I know this was a short article. But, I was just wondering,
Note from City Hall: We had to get rid of no store because that pulled up thousands and
thousands of items from the database, and it was just too much for the
computer to handle.
It's one of those sacrifices we decided to make in order to allow more
people onto Whyville without jeopardizing the server.
I know it's a drag. We're working on a better solution that will launch
hopefully later on this summer.