Welcome to Whyville! Population: 7 million something!
Not anymore! Whyville is pretty much done. Today it's more like . . . Welcome to Whyville! Population: 30!
Today, Whyville is just a bunch of features that no one wants to use. The only chatroom that people really visit is The Woods. I'm a recent Whyville user, and I can tell it's pretty empty.
There is still some hope, though! Whyville citizens, tell your friends about Whyville. Is a relative that lives in a different town visiting you? Tell them about Whyville! And ask them to tell their friends! Are you extremely popular and do people idolize you? Ask them to play Whyville! Petition for change! It could help!
Staff members, you need to do a little more ads! Ask other websites to advertise you! If that doesn't work, I'm afraid we have to take drastic measures, a commercial. Yes, they are expensive but it will help out a great deal!
Follow these instructions and you might save Whyville!