I try to look for it.
Is that good?
I still can't find it.
Is that normal?
I've been walking around lost for years. Taking wrong turns and having to backtrack through the winding maze and restart my mission of finding it. It seems to move farther whenever I get close, like we're magnets with the wrong ends pushed together.
I've found replicas of it that only last for a few moments before vanishing as though it were never even there, leaving me with only the memory of it. It was the wrong one, but that's all I know; it leaves me no closer to the real thing.
If something is this hard to find, should it be found at all? If it seems to avoid my acknowledgment, is it even within it's natural form to be found? If it's not, how will I know to stop looking? If it is, how do I get closer to finding it?
How do I start finding myself?