www.whyville.net Nov 30, 2015 Weekly Issue

City Worker Writer

Let's Give Thanks

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We celebrated Thanksgiving this past Thursday in the United States. In honor of the holiday and of the season, I asked Whyvillians what they are thankful for and a few other holiday related questions.

AMae: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

fibery: I'm thankful for what I am able have, being able to travel a lot, and for my family & friends (even though everyone says that... it's true :P)
DahCutie: I'm thankful for my friends and family for supporting me through thick and thin. I'm also thankful for having a roof over my head and having so many opportunities in my life!
Tytref: This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for having a loving and supporting family, and being able to have everything I've got.
KandHshow: Being able to go to school and having a loving family.

AMae: If you had one wish for the world, what would it be and why?

fibery: I wish that we wouldn't keep fighting for no reason . . . There is so much unnecessary drama in the world right now, and it's everywhere. Killings, bombings, attacks, etc. It's all pointless.
DahCutie: I'd wish for no one to be hungry. It's something that so many people overlook because we are blessed to have meals everyday. But so many people don't have that luxury, and that needs to change.
Tytref: I would absolutely wish for world peace. the world, especially recently, has been so chaotic and it would be amazing for it to just disappear.
KandHshow: For everybody to stop hating and hurting each other. We're all people.

AMae: As the years go by, what are your favorite Thanksgiving memories and traditions?

fibery: We've never really done much for Thanksgiving. This year we just had pizza, lol. But usually we will have a normal Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, stuffing, green beans, rolls, sweet potatoes, etc. Thanksgiving really isn't a big deal to us so we don't really have Thanksgiving, but it's always fun having a nice meal with your family.
DahCutie: Definitely watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade with my family. We watch it on TV every year but there have been a few times where we've gone to New York City to watch in person!
Tytref: My most favorite memory of thanksgiving would have to be 2013. That year, I gathered with over 30 of my family and friends, and we shared our favorite memories and showed love for one another. Most people think of Thanksgiving as just food, but to me it means family.
KandHshow: My birthday always land on or around Thanksgiving, so some of my favorite memories are getting my face smashed into cake and having the whole family laughing.

AMae: For those who have lost a loved one or are missing family and friends this year, how did you honor those special people in your life?

fibery: I was out of town this Thanksgiving, so I just texted a few people "Happy Thanksgiving." Probably not the best way to honor someone, but it's something at least.
Tytref: Every year everyone from the family brings their own candle and lights it and we pray for everyone who has a missing or diseased family member.

AMae: What are some ways that you can give back to your community this season?

fibery: A few days before Thanksgiving I helped serve a nice Thanksgiving dinner to people who couldn't afford it themselves. It was very eye-opening because it was the first time I had done something like that.
DahCutie: I 've been volunteering at a soup kitchen downtown every Saturday. It's a really cool feeling to put a smile on someone's face!
Tytref: The wealthy side of my family owns a restaurant that is free to the homeless or poor. They come to our house every year and we help cook a ton of food so that the homeless and poor are able to eat on such a holiday.
KandHshow: A good way to give back would be giving a plate to someone who needs it, and sit and eat with them.

AMae: What was your favorite Thanksgiving dish and why?

fibery: Hmmm... I REALLY like them all. If I had to pick one I would have to say the sweet potatoes. They're only available towards the end of the year!! Everything else you can get any time . . . and they're yummy!
DahCutie: I love all the food, but if I have to pick a favorite it would definitely be stuffing. My family has been passing down a recipe for making it for generations, it just tastes so unique and delicious.
Tytref: My favorite dish would have to be the deviled eggs. I actually don't like turkey, but I help myself to all the other foods, and the deviled eggs are always amazing.
KandHshow: Mashed potatoes because who doesn't and my mom made a giant cookie that we cut with a pizza cutter and that was awesome too.

AMae: How do you feel about retailers opening up on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday for shopping and why? Do you participate or do you stay home?

fibery: I don't have a problem with it. Some people don't have or live with family/friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with. Some people don't even celebrate Thanksgiving. It's something to do, and the sales are unbeatable. I did participate Thanksgiving Day starting at about 4 pm, and I plan to participate Black Friday and Cyber Monday as well.
DahCutie: I'm not a fan of retailers opening on Thanksgiving Day itself because the workers deserve to be home relaxing with their families. Besides a lot of people who go shopping on Black Friday are crazy! I'd much rather shop online for deals in my pajamas!
Tytref: It's not a problem. It does get pretty chaotic but it's nice to go out and get great deals. I do not go, because it gives me a chance of being hit or beaten. I think it's pretty pathetic that people actually DIE trying to get things on sale.
KandHshow: I think it's really cool that they have great deals I just kinda wish people wouldn't go insane over it. I stay home but once in a while my uncle and cousin will go to the stores that open on Thursday evening.

So how was your Thanksgiving this year? Mine was great. I celebrated with my husband's family and made a delicious turkey. We had everyone bring a side so I didn't have to prepare too much. We ended up with a lot of extra food, so the leftovers were great. I really enjoy the holiday and look forward to it every year. This year was the first year without my husband's grandmother, so that was hard. But we told our favorite stories of her and laughed remembering how much she loved to eat! I am not a fan of stores opening up on Thanksgiving Day. My niece had to go into work at 6pm, and I would have much rather had her stay and enjoy the celebrations. I understand why they do because they can make a lot of money. But I do wish the employees could stay home. I prefer to shop online anyway! Here's to a great holiday season. Lots to be thankful for.


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