www.whyville.net Jul 11, 2002 Weekly Issue

More Than Deer

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More Than Deer

Guest Writer

Hey, Flipchiik here. This is my first article, so bear with me, LoL.

I was going through all the articles in the paper while in the waiting room. First of all, I think that the waiting room is a pretty cool place. I mean, if I was able to always get in to Whyville, then I bet I would never even read the paper. But since we all have access to the paper in the waiting room, I read it all the time! I would just like to give Whyville two thumbs up for the best website ever!

Secondly, I read an article where a Whyvillian said that the deer population was too high. Then I read another article that said, "Why are we worrying about the deer population? We should be worrying about the people population!" and you know what? I TOTALLY AGREE WITH HER!

Why are we worrying about the deer population? You don't see them everyday going to rob stores, killing people, making fun of anything, now do you? Do they really hurt us? So they may eat your plants, but really, is it hurting you?

We should stop worrying about the animal population and worry about our own. What if the world gets too big? See it my way. If we have to keep building new homes for people, more stores and businesses and keep on expanding our cities. Where are we expanding them? Right into the wilderness. We are taking the animals' home just to fit our people population. So think about it! Is the deer population that bad? Look at us! Sorry if I am being a little harsh but I think that this is the truth.

Well I'd better be going. I hope you liked my little article. It's my first, as I already said, so I'm no pro. LoL. Byebyes! Mwah!




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