www.whyville.net Jul 18, 2002 Weekly Issue

Be Nice, Now!

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Be Nice, Now!

Guest Writer

Hey, it's Twigsy reporting from, of course, the waiting room, listening to Star Wars music... I just want to talk about being nice...

If you aren't nice, no one will like you. No one will respect you. No one will buy your face parts or do you any favours, like sign a petition.

Everyone will throw projectiles at you (which is often not very nice) and they will make little signs like *punches* or *pokes* maybe even *kicks*. I've seen it happen. I'm just glad it's not to me who they're doing it to, and you should be glad it's not to you!

SO, just how do you be nice? Aw, c'mon, it's not that hard. You have to make people feel good about themselves. If they say 'I'm ugly' then tell them something encouraging, like 'every girl has something pretty about her' or 'every guy has something cute about him'; '...even if you don't believe me, I never lie' or something like that.

Oh yes, don't lie, that's another good thing to do! Example 'I have 5 computers!' or 'I was born in a limo', and all that untrue stuff. If you do lie, people will learn not to trust you, even when you are telling the truth!

Also, say 'Bless you' if someone sneezes, and maybe give them a tissue. AND I'd say holding a beauty contest is not a good idea, because you have to pick the prettiest or cutest person, and then all the other people will feel bad about themselves, and about you.

And never make fun of anyone (especially newbies, they can't help looking a bit cheap) or say that they're ugly or stupid or any of that bad stuff.

Why am I writing all this? Well, sadly, I heard about this girl (about 12 years old) who killed herself because she was bullied and made fun of on the internet. If you feel like this, drop that account and get a new one where you can make a better impression of yourself.

It's a sad story, but I have to go. This has been Twigsy, signing off... well, it's not like I was signed in anyway, but you know what I mean...



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