www.whyville.net Jul 18, 2002 Weekly Issue

Everyone's Good at Something

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Everyone's Good at Something

Guest Writer

Hey, Shalee here again! Haven't written for a while...

Today, boys and girls, I'm here to talk about PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!! I'm sure a lot of you have seen that commercial on TV that shows a boy saying, "Nobody's good at everything, but everybody's good at something!" That's very true. I'm in a track club and go 3 times a week. If you're interested in track, I suggest you join one too. They offer everything, not just running, let you meet TONS of new people, and are a lot of fun!!

I am also in a dance class. Ukranian dancing. Very good for your body and culture. And even if you're not Ukranian, you can still try it!!

Swimming is very good for your body and it teaches you skills you can use to save someone in an emergency. I am not in soccer, baseball, basketball or anything else that involves a ball. I can catch and kick, but I prefer to work on improving my skills in things I am already good at. You may choose to work on something you're OK at so you can get better.

I'm not just writing this to blabber on and on (yes, I know this is taking a while...) about how many different things I am in and what I'm good at and what I'm not. I wanted to write this to encourage you all to get involved in PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. It's very important for your body. It stretches you to the limit and makes you work for things. It keeps you in shape and slim.

I don't know if any of you know this, but between 70 - 75 percent of teenagers, aged 13 to 18 (and that's how old a lot of us are on the Wonderful World of Whyville) are obese. Wow. Is that what you're thinking? Me too!! We're growing up in a world full of french fries, chocolate, grease (oooh yummy!), pizza, fast food restaurants, and not enough exercise. If you add that all together it usually equals obesity.

Obesity is defined as when your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over 30. Do not ask me what your BMI is. I do not know!! I just studied obesity and that's what I learned. So even if you are skinny now, think of your body's future, PLEASE!!!

Me, I have been gaining weight and that's the way that my body's saying STOP! NO MORE JUNK! I NEED GOOD FOOD TO BE HEALTHY! I know this was a kinda looong article and I hope you guys got to this point, because I think it's important for you all to know this.

Thanks guys! Signing off,



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